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Presentations:We take a stance on relevant issues with our expertise – online and on site.

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Balkon

Expert presentations

Delivering insight and spreading knowledge

Our engaging and informative presentations bring added value to your event. With over 50 projects each year, we have plenty to report on with our up-to-date assessments and empirical findings.

Our presentations are customized to address your specific needs and the most relevant issues. We communicate cutting-edge knowledge on current topics, expand perspectives, provide the facts that support your position, and ignite momentum for your cause.


A well-founded presentation elevates your success to new heights

With meticulous planning and execution, it establishes the perfect foundation for you, your cause, and your event to shine.


Our engaging presentations foster meaningful networking opportunities, encouraging an in-depth exchange of ideas at a peer-to-peer level.

Knowledge and information

Stay up-to-date with the latest, most relevant knowledge and information tailored to your topic.

Motivation and activation

Looking to garner even more support for your cause? Rely on our expertise to provide compelling arguments.

Reputation and visibility

Sometimes, an impartial third party can make all the difference. Don’t hesitate to seek our assistance for enhanced reputation and visibility.


Your direct line to us: We look forward to hearing from you.

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