Rankings:We compare regions, whether that means a country comparison, a Germany-wide city ranking or a ranking of ancillary costs

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Balkon


We make regional developments visible and comparable

We provide information on regions, cities and communities on the basis of many indicators e.g. in the areas of economic performance, education, quality of life or the environment. Regional rankings are relevant aids for companies, regional and political actors, but also for private individuals who have to make decisions in order to find the best locations for the implementation of their ideas.



Position yourself future-oriented with rankings

The comparison of regions and communities makes it possible to classify the development and situation on site, to define strategic parameters and thus to ensure attractiveness, prosperity and added value.

Informed decisions

The ranking of regions, cities and living spaces helps regional, political and entrepreneurial actors to make well-founded and future-oriented decisions.

Effect of trends

Regular monitoring in the form of a regional ranking can help you track the effects of trends and transformation processes in your region.

Create incentives

Rankings can encourage regional actors to improve their own performance.

Create understanding

The objective comparison of regions and cities helps to understand local developments.

Projects, studies, rankings

Some examples of our rankings

For our rankings, we use official statistics, private databases and modern big data processes in order to take up-to-date and relevant indicators into account.


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